July 13, 2011

Room with a view

Today is the first day that I begin my blog site. This is certainly something I never thought I would do and if you know me...you know this is out of the ordinary. The tides have changed in my life. I made the very hard decision to take a break from Graphic Design. With that I am going to use my blog site as an outlet for creativity.  Along with the creativity and inspiration, this will be my healing process. I feel honored to be able to share my journey of healing with all of you. There have been so many times when people ask how I have made it through all the tragedy and now they can read all about it.

SO... I am sure you are wondering what all this tragedy is.  It all started my junior year of college, my father passed after years of health issues.  Fast forward to 2009.  My middle brother, who I was very close with, passes away unexpectedly and I get laid off. Fast forward again to February this year, my oldest brother passes away unexpectedly. This leaves my mother and I left from the original five of us and it leaves us torn to emotional pieces. As I look out at my garden in the beautiful desert southwest, I know there is a purpose for all that has happened to me. I could look out this window and see all the ugliness the world has brought to me, or I could look out and see all the life that is bursting forth through harsh desert land. I choose the beauty, life and more importantly... the positive road.
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  1. How could this post have gone so long without a comment. It is like putting your heart out to the world and having the world say- "I have no response to that". My long-time friend, I am sorry to hear of all the loss in your life. I can't even imagine. However, it doesn't surprise me in the least you would take the positive road. The positive road is not without it's pain and bumps, but it is a road marked by hope and faith! I pray the experiences the positive road brings to you will leave you all the better for having taken it. ALL the experiences of life are there for our learning - both the happies and the hurts. May you soon have many more blessed experiences to help heal you and your mom. Peace and Prayers ~ Karen Mutnansky

  2. I never got a chance to say thank you for such encouraging words. You are truly a wonderful friend and I am thankful to have someone like you in my life.
